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Literature Tent at Big Blue Marble Bookstore

Sunday September 14 I'll be at Locavore Literature Tent. Stop by, pick up a copy of Puzzles and enjoy the afternoon with my fellow artists!

Join us at the Locavore Literature Tent in front of Big Blue Marble!
11 - 11:30 am: Anndee Hochman & Anna Beresin (short stories, thinking hard about recess, and pondering hard on how we construct our notion of family)
11:30 - Noon: Tamar Chansky & Lori Tharps (learn to handle anxiety, learn to do your hair and have a story to tell about, and get some new t-shirts!)
Noon - 12:30 pm: Julia MacDonnell& Alice Wootson (novels, novels, and more novels!)
12:30 - 1:00 pm: Reese Marie, Kathy Roberson, and Simone Zelitch (poetry and novels)
1:00 - 1:30 pm: Andrew Myer, DBWales, Sharon Ulett (picture books, middle grade fantasy)
1:30 - 2:00 pm Janet Mason, Victoria Brownworth and Tiny Satchel Press authors (memoir, poetry, and truly diverse YA fiction)
2:00 - 2:30 pm: Chandra Hoffman, Kay Wood, and Terri Lyons (novels, graphic novels, and poetry)
2:30 - 3:00 pm: Yolanda Wisher & Ann Goffee (poetry, memoir)
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